Monday, December 16, 2013


     For seventh period on Mondays, the entire middle school participates in an activity called sala. In sala we are split up into groups by grade. At the beginning of every month everybody is in the gym and we  have an assembly about that months character traits. The character traits are respect, responsibility, citizenship, trustworthiness, and caring. Sometimes we have guest speakers who teach us about specific character traits, and being prepared for college and our future. One of the main goals of sala is to teach us about character and how much it matters. Another is to learn about different skills that are not academic such as teamwork. We learn how to be better students and better people. In sala we are considered a community and a family. Sala helps us be better people, have good character, and gives us a family like atmosphere.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Student Ipads by: Luke Smith and Colton Carry#19

     The students at Hamilton have the privilege to use Ipads as tools to help with their academics.They are very useful for studying, making projects, and for having a smaller,lighter alternative for textbooks. They help save paper because students can use them to take notes and as planners. The teachers can give students quizzes on edmodo and get their grades instantly. Students and teachers can make virtual flashcards with quizlet so they can study if they are absent or need extra practice. The iPad gives the students that do not have online access, a way to go online when not at school. This will help contribute to kids learning at home.