Monday, October 21, 2013

Our Principal

Mr. Hospodar

Here are some fun facts about our wonderful principal, Mr. Hospodar. 

1. He has been loving our school since 2004. “I love this school more than a pig loves mud!” he said. 

2. Is he thinking of retiring? NO WAY! 

3. Mr.Hospodar is going to earn his 3rd master’s degree online, at BrandmanUniversity. 

4. This man loves lemon meringue pie. Delicous! Now I’m hungry.

5. His favorite ice cream flavor is Gold Medal Ribbon. Sounds delightful. 

6. Mr.Hospodar has some hidden talents. He can name every kid except the Kindergarten kids. He’s still learning their names. New kids come here every year. 

7. He has a ranch in Petaluma. It’s pretty big: 14 acres! He has two cows and a dog named Betty. Betty is a cow dog, but the funny thing is, she is afraid of cows! 

8. He has two kids, Sophie and Anna.

And now you know a little bit more about our principal, Mr. Hospodar!

This has been Tommy, Dominic, and Angel with an exciting Principal Profile. Stay tuned for more information about our dynamic staff!

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